Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Krk. Part 1.

This is short because I'm lazy.

Krk, is beautiful. Hell, the Adriatic Sea is beautiful. After an 8 hour car ride we finally made it to our destination. The journey from Mohacs to Krk should really only take 5 hours, but we stopped a lot.

Can I just say how nice the gas stations and rest stops are in the mountains of Croatia?
Is that weird?

There was one with a restaurant and playground. I gots myself a nice and fresh HAND SQUEEZED strawberry lemonade. What the what. It was so good!

Making multiple stops was definitely worth it.

To get to Krk, one must drive through extremely rugged and harsh conditions. There are forest covered mountains that must be crossed. Bears are all over the place and sometimes jump over the chain linked highway fences and play with moving cars. There's a pretty swanky bridge you have to cross over as well, but it's shut down when there's too much rain and wind.

Okay, so maybe these conditions aren't rugged or harsh at all. People get across the mountains by man made tunnels, making driving through mountains convenient and quick. The bears never jump over the chain link fence. I only saw two bears... and well, they were cardboard. Those silly Croatians, trying to scare drivers! I thought they were real, and so did my sister. The bridge though, that was actually kind of scary.

Once there, finding a place is easy (harder when everyone vacations on the Adriatic in the summer doe). People can stay at hotels, but most of the cities along the Adriatic have housing and apartments that vacationers can rent for however many days.

We stayed in a two bedroom/1 bath on the first floor. You know so my sister can't run out and and go crazy and fall of the stairs... safety precaution. But the place really was cute. The little awning to the right was our patio!

See, she really is a wild child. Just kidding, but not really.

This was the view from the end of our street. All those houses are actually apartments that people can live in for their stay in the city. Running on these roads are tricky.
No sidewalk+winding roads+hills= sore Sabrina. Ouch. Good ouch. Pain is just weakness leaving the body.

The walk to the center of the city took me 2 minutes. However, I have to walk with my mom, uncle, aunt, and sister. I take one step, my sister takes 4 to catch up with me. So I guess I should say the walk took 6 minutes.

 A really pretty house (not rental apartment). So nice, had to take a picture.

Views of the City

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Is the face of a happy girl!

Candy cakes are what dreams are made of.
Candy cakes make the world go round.

I always say I'll never get more then 1 scoop of this ice cream. Unfortunately, it's my favorite place in Hungary to eat yummies so I always get 3+ scoops and 2 or more pastries.

Yum yums in Hrvatska are also quite delectable. In fact, I think I'll walk over there right now and get some (ice cream) hahaha. That's kinda what she said I guess.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gettin' my Adriatic bronze on

I'm going here right now actually.

 Krk, Hrvatska (a Croatian island). I've been here once before. The water is crystal clear, although it's kind of hard to tell from this picture. Think Caribbean Sea waters but.... not in the Caribbean.

Fun fact: Dubrovnik, one of the islands of Croatia is one of the most popular vacation destination for celebrities. Boom.

 We should have left an hour ago, but my uncle insisted on making 13 sandwiches. Why do 4 people and a 1 teeny tot need 13 sandwiches? I'll probably only eat half of one anyways....

How many does he expect us to eat in a 5 hour interval?

Monday, June 4, 2012

I just had the best lunch ever.

Breaded cheese.

I guess that's the American equivalent to a cheese stick or mozzarella stick right? I always thought those things were gross.

Everything tastes better in Hungary anyways.

Until I found an eyelash in my rice. Nasty.
That always happens to me. There could be 987987092384 people in a restaurant and I will ALWAYS be the one to have hair in my food. Head hair, eyelash, eyebrow, mustache, leg, arm, pubic.

Scratch the last one. I hope that never happens. Knock knock on this wooden table.

I don't really know the point of this post. I was just going to post pictures. Maybe I should start with what I did yesterday?

Okay, so yesterday I really did nothing since everything is closed. Except the markets.

Those are never closed.

We took a splendid drive to the next biggest city which is about 30 minutes away. I've been to this market numerous times and never look at anything else except the puppy isle. Basically people come here to sell puppies that their dogs uhm.... created? Any type of dog. There's always kittens here too, and they're free. The preshest little things. If you want a turkey, you can find it. You want a chicken? You can get it at this market! Rabbit? Yup, that too. (I go into a cardiac arrest every time I see a baby rabbit. They are the most adorable things. So cute. My heart. Ouch.)

I spent most of my time with German Shepherd and Vizsla puppies.

Who could resist this face? They say that dogs pick their owners. Well this little guy picked me.

This little dude picked me too! Could you imagine coming home with two dogs? I sure can!

If I did go home with that presh Vizsla I would probably name him Abe. Abe because Abraham Lincoln is on the penny which is copper. Vizsla's are copper, like the penny. Boom. Explain that to everyone next time they ask me why I picked the name I did for my dog.

This market also sells one of my favorite Hungarian foods. Langos (accent over the a).

THIS. Slathered in a garlic glaze, shredded cheese, and sour cream on top. FTW.

Good thing I've been keeping up with my summer mileage! Or else I'd be stuck eating broccoli or something!

Mama and I are gonna stroll the city now and work off some of that cheese!

That's all folks!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Update. Woopidy.

Okay, so this blog as much as I can to keep everyone updated thing is a lot harder than I thought it would be! Let me explain...

I'm staying at my aunt and uncle's apartment. They are probably some of the only people in this town that do NOT own a computer. Therefore, they do not have a wireless router. Luckily for me, I have a handy dandy iPhone. I can tether wi-fi if I so please. Every wifi connection here requires some complicated password. My mother and I resorted to connecting to every hotspot that we could in the city. Whenever we want to keep up to date with civilization we walk to all of the areas that we've been connected to. Also, my cousin owns an electronic/computer store so I can definitely go there anytime. Good thing he's only 3 blocks down from this place.

Now, now now, I know what you're thinking. I'm getting a lot of exercise just by walking to these hotspots.

You're wrong. Today my aunt brought over her laptop with some sort of mobile wireless internet contraption. I can finally go on my Macbook. It's so funny how internet makes me really happy.

I really do enjoy the quiet lifestyle my godparents and older relatives live. It's really great. In fact, I think I would love to move to Europe after I finish my studies.


The trip to Hungary took a lot longer than expected. That's old news though.
Yesterday was my mother's 30th year high school reunion. My dad couldn't be there to accompany her on this joyous occasion, so I offered to be her date. I really am a wonderful person.

I learned a lot about my mom, and finally got to meet all the people she tells me stories about. Instead of writing this out (since it is already late here and I am not adjusted to this time difference at all) I'll share in pictures.

 Okay so if you look at the bottom row third woman in, dats my mama in her senior picture. Look at that Mona Lisa smile!

 The courtyard where her and her "friends" that she always talked about ate lunch. I now know that they're real, since I've finally met them.
 Her class. Of 24.....
 Me and the mama. My eyes are always quite squinty in pictures. I guess it's just something I HAVE to work on....

no modeling career :(

Some delicious Hungarian dessert recipe.

I have a lot more to write about, but I'm really lazy and don't want to. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. Or maybe I never will. Who knows.

I'm quite the tired tiger!

I love you all and have a vondaful night.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Hello from Hungary

I finally made it. This will be quite short since I am on my cousins laptop and the keyboard is much differnt than the American computer keyboards. Just informing everyone of my well being. Once I get internt set up on my laptop (which is a lot harder said than done)I will be golden. Till then I tether wifi from my phone only near my cousins electronic store. Hasta Luego dudes.